DHCP Option 60 MSFT 50 and dhcpcd-5 5 6
Identifying Vendor Class Identifiers in DHCP Requests
DHCP requests include a Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) field that identifies the operating system or device type sending the request. Two common VCI values are WEB MSFT 5 0 for Windows computers and dhcpcd-5 5 6 for Android devices.
MSFT 50 and dhcpcd-5 5 6 in DHCP Option 60
In DHCP Option 60, the Windows operating system client has a value of MSFT 50 while the Android device dhcpcd-5 5 6 uses a different value. The relationship between these values is:
- MSFT 50: Windows operating system
- dhcpcd-5 5 6: Android operating system
Correlation with DHCP Name
The DHCP name often resembles the PC name, suggesting that the VCI value is intentionally set. Additionally, both devices may share the same Wi-Fi subnet.
Updates to Client Vendor Name
For some Windows-based devices, the traditional Client Vendor Name (MSFT 50) has been updated. Some devices now display as MSFT 50.., indicating a minor change in the VCI.